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2004IDS - Italian Doc Screenings
Data: 19/09/2008 - 21/09/2008
edizione 2008: dal 19/09 al 21/09
Ore 10:00/19:30
Library open for buyers
Ore 10:01/10:45
IDS Art and Culture Opening
- Welcome by Doc it – Alessandro Signetto 5’
- Welcome by local Institutions 5’
- Introduction to Italian Doc Screenings Raffaele Brunetti 5’
-Interrelation between documentaries and arts Marijke Rawie. Keynote 10’
- Marco Visalberghi on WCSF and Fair Use 5’
Ore 10:45/12:25
Co-Producing Art and Culture I
- What we mean by Art and Culture documentaries. Where are the slots.
- Who produces Italian Art and Culture
- Storytelling for American and European audiences
- Versioning
Moderated by Marijke Rawie
Margaret Smilow - Thirteen, WNET (USA)
Vera Bonnier - SVT (Svezia)
Mitsuru Mizutaka
NHK (Giappone)
Emilie de Jong
Hans Petri
Francois Gazio
Enzo Sallustro (rai sat)
Andrea Piersanti (rai consultant)
Paulo Markun - TV CULTURA (Brasil)
Jane Jancovitch – TVOntario (Canada)
Annemiek van der Zanden – NPS (The Netherlands)
Greg Sanderson - BBC Storyville (UK)
Gioia Avvantaggiato – Producer (Italy)
Ore 12:30/13:30
Case Study: Art, archives, and coproductions
Uldis Ckeculis – Producer (Latvia)
Outi Saarikoski – YLE (Finland)
Enzo Sallustro - RAI SAT (Italy)
Presents: Klucis the deconstruction of an artist
Moderator: Raffaele Brunetti
Ore 13:00/14:00
lunch break at Grand Hotel
Ore 14:00/15:00
coffee time
Ore 14:20/16:00
Meet the players
20 min each. 1 to 1 pre-scheduled meetings with partecipants (author and producers) and "the players" (commissioning editors, representatives of Heritage commissions, Museums, Foundations, Film commissions)
Ore 15:00/15:55
The case of confessional public tv in the Netherlands
Moderated by Rob Hof
Producer (The Netherlands)
And Stefano Tealdi
Martin Froberg – IKON (The Netherlands)
C. Mathura – OHM (The Netherlands)
Ruud Chander – consultant (The Netherlands)
Babeth VanLoo – BBFF (The Netherlands)
Ore 16:00/16:25
Case Study: Producing with Musée du Louvre
Alexandre Cornu (independent producer) Catherine Derosier (Louvre) Presents:
B…comme Babylone
by Bernard Gorge
Coproduction: Les Films du tambour de soie, Musée du Louvre, Arte – 2008
-(2x 1 min film of Louvre)
Moderator: Gianfilippo Pedote
Ore 16:30/16:55
Case study: Producing with Groninger Museum
Marijke Huibregts AVRO with Patty Wageman (Groninger Museum)
Moderator: Babette VanLoo and Stefano Tealdi
Ore 16:55/17:25
coffee break
Ore 17:30/18:15
Art, Culture and Religion in North America
Moderated by: Bernard Hébert - CINE QUA NON (Canada) and Marijke Rawie
Margaret Smilow - Thirteen, WNET (USA)
Jane Jancovitch – TVOntario (Canada)
Georges Amar - SRC Société Radio Canada (Canada)
Ore 18:20/19:15
Art, Culture and Religion in the BBC
Moderated By: Andrè Singer and Marco Visalberghi
Janet Lee – BBC (UK)
Adam Kemp - BBC (UK)
Greg Sanderson - BBC Storyville (UK)
Ore 20:00/21:00
Aperitif and visit of Castello del Buon Consiglio
Ore 21:00/23:00
Dinner at Castello del Buon Consiglio
Open to all participants
Ore 10:00/19:30
library open for buyers
Ore 10:00/11:45
Co-Producing Art and Culture II
It's (not) only television.
What to get from, what to give to, how to collaborate with:
Heritage commissions
Film commissions
Moderated by
Marijke Rawie and Raffaele Brunetti
-Alexander Cornu - LES FILMS DU TAMBOUR DE SOIE (France)
-Catherine Derosier-Pouchous – Director of Productions MUSEE DU LOUVRE
-Saskia Bakhuys-Vernet – Director of Productions MUSÉE D'ORSAY
-Patty Wageman - Groninger Museum on Modern art (The Netherlands)
-Paolo Vidali – Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission (Italy)
-Maurizio Gemma –Campania Region Film Commission (Italy)
-MariaTeresa Tringali (producer)
-Einaudi (or Feltrinelli) editor
Ore 11:50/12:20
Case Study: Producing art and religion with the Prince of Wales.
Andrè Singer
Presents: Stairway to Heaven
Mariijke Rawie
Ore 12:25/13:00
Art, Culture and Religion in the BBC
Moderated By: Andrè Singer
Janet Lee – BBC (UK)
Adam Kemp - BBC (UK)
Greg Sanderson - BBC Storyville (UK)
Ore 13:00/14:00
lunch break
Ore 14:00/15:00
coffee time
Ore 14:20/16:00
Meet the players
20 min each. 1 to 1 pre-scheduled meetings with partecipants (author and producers) and "the players" (commissioning editors, representatives of Heritage commissions, Museums, Foundations, Film commissions)
Ore 15:00/15:55
It’s only music films
the art of producing music films… the art making money out of them.
Moderated by Leena Pasanen
Hans Petri producer , Francoise Gazio producer, Bernard Hébert - CINE QUA NON (Canada)
Ore 16:35/17:10
Art and Culture for German speaking and international audience
Moderated By Marco Visalberghi and Thomas Tielche
Christiane Hinz WDR –Otto Schwarz ORF - Caroline Mutz – ARTE
Ore 17:10/17:40
coffee break
Ore 17:40/18:20
Ending in…Scandinavia
Moderated by Leena Pasanen
Vera Bonnier SVT (Sweden) Olof Dahlberg AXESS TV (Sweden) Ritva Leino YLE (Finland)
Ore 18:25/18:45
Ore 19:00/20:00
Aperitif and visit to Spazio Archeologico in Trento sotterranea
Ore 21:00/22:30
Open to all the participants
Ore 22:30/01:00
At Teatro Sociale
Open to all the participants
21 settembre 2008
Ore 10:00/13:00
the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto
Ore 13:00/15:30
lunch at Grand Hotel