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2008GFFIS - Green Film Festival Seoul
Data: 07/05/2015 - 14/05/2015
edizione 2015: dal 07/05 al 14/05
Bando per documentari
GFFIS2015_Call for Entries_In The Land of Fires
12th Green Film Festival in Seoul(May 07~14, 2015)
Warm greetings from Seoul, Korea!
It is our great pleasure to announce that the 12th Green Film Festival in Seoul (GFFIS) will be held May 7 – 14, 2015 and Call for Entries for GFFIS 2015 opens.
Please submit the above mentioned film(s) for the preliminary selection for Green Competition.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: February 23, 2015 (on arrival) NO ENTRY FEE
- Films completed after January 1, 2013 and never been submitted to GFFIS before.
- Regardless of genre, all films dealing with environmental-related topics, characters or containing environmental issues at large.
costo d'iscrizione: Gratis
scadenza del bando: 23/02/2015
mese dell'evento: maggio 2015
• Green Competition
Best Feature Film (10,000,000 KW), Best Short Film (5,000,000 KW), Special Jury Award (3,000,000 KW), Audience Choice (1,000,000 KW)
• Korean Green Competition
Grand Prize (5,000,000 KW), Excellence Prize (3,000,000 KW), Special Audience Jury Award (2,000,000 KW)
modalità d'iscrizione:
• Submissions: Complete the entry form via Google Docs and send a full-length of preview file or private link via e-mail(gffiskorea@gmail.com)
link da cui scaricare la documentazione per l'iscrizione: