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2011Festival Cine de Alcalą de Henares
Data: 10/11/2012 - 16/11/2012
edizione 2012: dal 10/11 al 16/11
Bando per cortometraggi
The festival is open to short films that are majority European productions from the continent of Europe. Majority Spanish produced and/or Spanish directed short films must be presented in the National Short Film Competition. The selection committee will select some of these films for joint participation in the European Competition.
The screening copy of the films can be presented in one of the following formats: 35 mm (silent or with optical sound included), Betacam Digital PAL, Blu-ray or HD file (video screening support media include: File containers: .mov or .mkv. File coding: ProRes 422 and 422 HQ, H264 or AVI/NDXHD), made after the 1st of January 2011 and not registered in previous editions of ALCINE.
The maximum running time of films is 30 minutes.
The screening copy of films in languages other than Spanish or English must be subtitled in English or Spanish.
costo d'iscrizione: gratis
scadenza del bando: 30/06/2012
mese dell'evento: novembre 2012
First prize: 5,000 Euros.
Second prize: 3,000 Euros.
Third prize: 2,000 Euros.
'ALCINE' Audience Award: Trophy
The amount of the 'ALCINE' awards will be divided equally between the producer and the director of the award-winning film. This amount is subject to taxation determined by laws in force at the time.
modalitĆ d'iscrizione:
The following is required:
· Completion of the on-line form at www.alcine.org
· Dispatch of the film on-line (for free). Recommended option:
Files no more than 15 minutes long = 0.250 GB
Files no more than 30 minutes long = 0.350 GB
In the event of technical difficulties occurring in on-line dispatch, DVDs will be accepted. When dispatch is made in DVD format and opting to participate in the Shortlatino market, the short film must be uploaded to Movibeta for viewing by professionals during the dates of the market. The short film must be subtitled in English or Spanish for both the On-line and DVD dispatch, and the dialogue list must be included.
· Three high-resolution digitalized photos of the film and one of the director: a photocopy of the ID of the director and producer and informative materials describing the short film. The photos and documentation must be sent in the on-line registration or by email to the following address: inscripcion@alcine.org.
link da cui scaricare la documentazione per l'iscrizione: