Sudestival 2025

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Partecipazioni (10):

Anno Mese Manifestazione Sezione Premi
2013 nov Zinema Zombie Fest Seleccion Oficial de Cortometrajes -
2013 set Mediterraneo Festival Corto "cųrt e māl cavāt" Concorso -
2012 nov Another Hole in the Head Festival Competition -
2012 nov Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre Fuera de Competencia -
2012 ago Cinestrange FilmFestival n.d. -
2012 ott Berlin PornFilmFestival Kurzefilme -
2012 ott San Sebastiān Horror and Fantasy Film Festival Golden Meličs Competition -
2012 set Slash Film Festival Competition -
2012 ott Festival Srpskog Filma Fantastike - Festival of Serbian Fantastic Film n.d. -
2012 nov San Francisco Documentary Festival Hole Head -

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NOTIZIE 'Morgue Street'