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Partecipazioni (7):

Anno Mese Manifestazione Sezione Premi
2014 ott Wildlife Vaasa Festival Competition Short 1
2013 set Document.Art - The International Festival of Documentary Films Competitie 1
2013 ott Wildlife Conservation Film Festival Panorama -
2012 nov Berg + Abenteuerfilmfestival Graz Natur & Umwelt -
2012 ott Kenya International Film Festival Panorama -
2012 ott Ekotop Film Festival Competition -
2012 set Green Screen Internationales Naturfilmfestival Eckernforde Competition -

2014 ott, Wildlife Vaasa Festival (festival):
Second Runner Up

2013 set, Document.Art - The International Festival of Documentary Films (festival):
Award for the Best Environmental Film

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