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Partecipazioni (5):

Anno Mese Manifestazione Sezione Premi
2020 nov Sport Movies & TV - Milano International FICTS Fest Sport & Society - Sport Values Education and Culture - Feature 1
2020 set Da Venezia a Roma Panorama -
2020 giu Beausoleil Cote d'Azur Sport Film Festival - FICTS Compeittion -
2020 gen Los Angeles Cinematography Awards Official Selection 1
2020 gen New York Cinematography Awards Official Selection 1

2020 nov, Sport Movies & TV - Milano International FICTS Fest (festival):
Daniele Redaelli Award "Sport and Solidarity"

2020 gen, Los Angeles Cinematography Awards (festival):
Best Documentary Film

2020 gen, New York Cinematography Awards (festival):
Best Documentary

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