Italian Doc Screenings: i progetto selezionati
Sono stati annunciati i titoli dei progetti selezionati per l’VIII edizione degli Italian Doc Screenings:
- A body like mine - Altreforme
- Coliseum 2000: the last legion - Bizef Produzione srl
- Emergency Exit - Young Italian abroad - OffiCinema Doc
- Favela Footbal Club - Kino produzioni
- Fireflies for Lanterns - Audioimage
- Florence, the Consul and me - GD Film
- I'm in love with my car - Mammut Film
- Keep up your imagination! - Paneikon srl
- Lost in the dark - Tunastudio Soc. Coop.
- Luce Mia - Zenit Arti AUdiovisive
- Made in China - Profile s.r.l.
- Marley's lost tribes - Ethiopia Dreaming - Blink Blink Prod.
- Opera - Ardaco s.r.l.
- Raging Nunnies - EiE film
- Shalom, a 500-year tribute - Tangram Film
- The kings of Gomorrah - Panamafilm
- The many different lives of Rustam Casanova - Ladoc
- The Red House - Indyca s.n.c.
- The Stone River - Altara Films
- The target - Prime Bande
- Walking the dark - La Sarraz Pictures
05/11/2012, 09:40
Simone Pinchiorri