Calcutta 8:40 AM(di Adriano Valerio) | European Shorts | | |
Contamination(di Roberto Cannarile) | Significant Anniversaries of Two Festival from Two Sides of Sea - Pesaro Short Film Presents | | |
Cose(di Oscar Renni, Adina Oana Enache) | Significant Anniversaries of Two Festival from Two Sides of Sea - Pesaro Short Film Presents | | |
Dive(di Aldo Iuliano) | European Shorts | | |
Dreamland(di Gianluigi Toccafondo) | Significant Anniversaries of Two Festival from Two Sides of Sea - Pesaro Short Film Presents | | |
Eldorado(di Mathieu Volpe) | European Shorts | | |
Garlo the Garlic(di Stefano Zappia) | Significant Anniversaries of Two Festival from Two Sides of Sea - Pesaro Short Film Presents | | |
Graziano e la Giraffa(di Fabio Orlando, Tommaso Zerbi) | Significant Anniversaries of Two Festival from Two Sides of Sea - Pesaro Short Film Presents | | |
Il Binario Morto(di Antonio Maciocco) | European Shorts | | |
Il Sogno(di Donato Sansone) | Significant Anniversaries of Two Festival from Two Sides of Sea - Pesaro Short Film Presents | | |
Just Kids(di Roberto Urbani) | Teenarena | | |
La Mia Ombra di Dubbio(di Alice Curatolo) | Significant Anniversaries of Two Festival from Two Sides of Sea - Pesaro Short Film Presents | | |
La Naturale Bellezza del Creato(di Michele Bernardi, Roberto Zappala') | Significant Anniversaries of Two Festival from Two Sides of Sea - Pesaro Short Film Presents | | |
Lotta di Latta(di Alunni del Corso di B. Pucci) | Significant Anniversaries of Two Festival from Two Sides of Sea - Pesaro Short Film Presents | | |
Mao Mao(di Elio Ferrario) | Significant Anniversaries of Two Festival from Two Sides of Sea - Pesaro Short Film Presents | | |
Poly-Necro-Love(di Sara Andrea Gravino) | Significant Anniversaries of Two Festival from Two Sides of Sea - Pesaro Short Film Presents | | |
We Should All Be Futurists(di Angela Norelli) | European Shorts | | |