Fare Cinema

Thilsri International Film Festival

Best Cinemaphotography:
Gino Sgreva (in Il Matrimonio piu' Sconvolgente della Storia)

Best Cinematography:
Angelo Donzella (in Unease)

Best Director:
Angelo Donzella (in Unease)

Best Documentary:
The Flame - The Art and the History of Lampworking

Best International Feature Film:
Il Matrimonio piu' Sconvolgente della Storia

Best International Short Film:

Best Micro Short Film:
Fante di Coppe

Best Original Score:
The Flame - The Art and the History of Lampworking

Best Poster:
Lucy - Un Destino da Pioniera

Special Juri Award Best Documentary Short Film:
Lucy - Un Destino da Pioniera

Special Mention:
Il Corpo del Mondo